The Best Lily Varieties for Cut Flowers

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Lilies are classic cut flowers, and there are many different varieties to choose from. Some lilies are fragrant, while others have vibrant colors. There are even miniature lilies that are perfect for adding to bouquets.

Here is a list of the best Lily varieties for cut flowers, so you can choose the perfect ones for your arrangements.

What are the best cutting lilies?

The loveliest of all cutting lilies are the Oriental varieties. These beautiful flowers radiate with their lush petals and vibrant colors that can range from shades of pale pink to bold orange, red, and even white. Gracefully towering in height, the blooms measure up to 8 inches in diameter depending on the species.

While some require more sunlight than others, all of them emphasize great color throughout their season which begins in late summer and concludes with fall’s chill in the air. In addition to making a strong statement when cut down to size, they are hardy enough to come back bigger and better year after year. No other type of lily compares in beauty or longevity!

What lilies do florists use?

When picking out lilies for the perfect floral arrangement, florists usually prefer to use those which have been specifically bred for cut flower production. A few popular varieties include Calla Lilies, Easter Lilies, and Oriental Lilies. Calla lilies are known for their exotic and striking shape, while Easter lilies are more traditional.

Oriental lilies tend to be some of the largest species grown, offering an exceptionally fragrant aroma that makes them a favorite among florists. No matter what type is chosen, these lilies are sure to make any bouquet into an excellent display of beauty and style.

Do lilies make good-cut flowers?

Lilies make excellent cut flowers, as they are long-lasting, bright, and fragrant. The most popular cut lily varieties are the Asiatic, Oriental, and daylilies, which boast large blooms in vibrant shades of pink and white. The sturdiness and beauty of lilies also make them perfect to use as centerpieces or to line the aisle at weddings. Lilies come in many forms, so there is sure to be a type that can perfectly match the theme of any celebration or special occasion.

For example, Tiger Lillies have striking red petals forming around an orange pistil – making them a particularly exotic flower choice. With some care and attention, lilies can retain their freshness for up to four weeks when placed in water. All in all, cut lilies have a timeless elegance that will make whatever setting they decorate more beautiful and inviting!

Which lily lasts the longest?

The Oriental lily is known for lasting the longest when cut and put in a vase of water. Due to its thicker stem, it tends to be able to stay alive and bloom without drooping or wilting as quickly as other types of lilies might. Once the flowers are cut, they can remain beautiful for more than two weeks when properly maintained.

To make sure your Oriental lily stays fresh for its longest possible lifespan, place them in a cool spot away from sun exposure and drafts of air. Once those two conditions are met, your lily should display spectacular beauty in an array of soft pink, peach, and white hues!

What is the prettiest type of lily?

More often than not, the prettiest type of lily garners much debate between gardeners and flower enthusiasts alike. While many people have their own preferences, there are some common choices that seem to come up time and time again. Oriental lilies are one of the most popular contenders for the prettiest lily title, with their large blooms in white, pink, or red-tinged with yellow speckles.

In addition, they feature a distinctive aroma that can bring an extra layer of beauty to any garden. Another favorite is stargazer lilies; these eye-catching flowers boast fragrant petals in shades of soft cream, apricot pink, bright magenta, and fire engine red. Both varieties make excellent additions to any outdoor space or flower arrangement.

What is the prettiest lily flower?

The prettiest lily flower is arguably the Stargazer lily. This majestic flower is known and loved for its deep, velvety petals, which feature a variety of bright and cheerful colors like deep pink, white, and red. When in bloom the Stargazer lily will often boast both a heavenly scent and behemoth size.

These impressive flowers can typically reach heights of two to four feet tall and just seem to overflow with undeniable beauty. As such, it’s no wonder why this flower has become so beloved by gardeners and florists alike all over the world!

Conclusion: The Best Lily Varieties for Cut Flowers

So, there you have it – a few of the best lily varieties for cut flowers. Be sure to do your research before planting and pick a spot in your garden that gets plenty of suns. With proper care, you’ll be rewarded with beautiful blooms that make great additions to bouquets or centerpieces.

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Lily Reed

Lily Reed

My name is Lily Reed, and this blog is about.... lilies!
Yes, I know. It's a true coincidence, but not really. My mother really loves this flower; she named me after him!
My mother started growing lilies when she was pregnant with me after the doctor told her not to move from the bed when she was 6 months pregnant. So it's been a special bond for us.

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